
由佛罗里达州资助的教育项目 Education projects sponsored by the State of Florida

美国特许学校 American Charter Schools 同州政府签署管理运营合约 Management Operation Contract with the Local State Government 由州政府全资资助运营 Operations Sponsored by the Local State Government 每位学生由政府补贴约7,174美元 Subsidy of $7,174 per student 州政府负责控制学术及财务业绩 Academic and Financial Performance controlled by the State Government 每位教师的年底绩效考评 Annual Performance Assessment of each teacher 美国大多数运作中的学校均为特许学校 Charter Schools provides the best school performance

特许学校:家长的首选 Charter Schools: Parent’s 1st Choice 概念源于1996年 First Charter School was established in 1996 in the state of Florida 全美200万学生 2 million students in USA 600,000人在等候学位 Currently more than 600,000 on the waiting list 最高学术标准 Highest academic standards 创新的方式 Innovative approach 特许学校招生情况 特许学校数量

佛罗里达州特许学校 一个巨大的成功 Florida Charter Schools: A Tremendous Success 运营中的学校 Operating Schools 美国特许学校 第1期-库珀市 超过入读人数55%的学生在等候名单上 Cooper City Charter School – Phase 1 More than 55% on the waiting list 主要地区的等候名单: 49.6% Major areas waiting list: 49.6%

佛罗里达州 The State of Florida 美国第四大州 4th Largest State in the USA 政府全力支持特许学校的建立 Local Government that Fully Supports the establishment of Charter Schools 赞助者 在特许合约有效期间100%负责学校运营成本 Sponsors School Operation Costs during the duration of the Performance Charter Contract in the form of a subsidy per student 。。。 更多信息请索要具体说明文件